Foodbank Collections
Donations of items for our local Foodbank can be made at any time the church is open for an activity. Items of dried or tinned food and toiletries are collected. Local school uniform items in good condition are also welcome. Items are regularly taken to New Life Church in Clements Green Lane which runs the South Woodham Foodbank on Wednesday mornings from 10.00-12.00.
Chatty Bus
A Youth Service bus is manned by volunteers from SWEC and other local churches on Friday evenings in the car park near Asda petrol station. Hot drinks and a friendly face are always available to young people who are out and about in the town centre on Friday evenings.
School Pastors
Volunteers from SWEC and other local churches have been trained to join the School Pastor’s scheme and are now visiting William de Ferrers school during lunchtimes once a week to be available to any young person who would like to have a chat.