Lego Messy Church

Lego Messy Church

27/09/2014 @ 15:00 – 17:00 Europe/London Timezone
South Woodham Evangelical Church

messy church september promo

                                         Messy Church 5th July 2014;  4 til 6pm

                                               South Woodham Evangelical Church

                                                                  85 Hullbridge Road

Come and join us for our outdoor Messy Church. It will be a lot of fun, with craft activities, food and Games for all ages. Children to be accompanied by an adult. There is no cost for this event and Everyone is welcome. Please register with Emma

For further details email or phone

Emma Hunnable on 01245 322220

Comments are closed.

Contact Info

Rev Adrian Ward
South Woodham Evangelical Church
85 Hullbridge Road
South Woodham Ferrers
Essex CM3 5LJ
Tel: 07375 936840